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(Struggle For The Cosmos)


"The 'Author' is Dead - 

Long Live the BOOK-IN!"

- Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works


 As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport.

"King Lear" - Play by Shakespeare

“Mortals play with Robots -

The gODs –

Play with Man”

Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works


What is ‘Man’ / ‘Mankind’? - Who is ‘Man’? – Why is ‘Man’?


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? - Who is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? – Why is there Artificial Intelligence (AI)?


What are the ‘Humanoids’? – ‘Robots’?  - ‘Androids’? – ‘Trans-Humans’? – ‘Cyborgs’? - ‘Bio-Organic-Synthetic Cyborgs’ - ‘The Meta CyiMechanOrgans’ - ‘Zomu-ums’ and ‘Synoids’ ?

In the answering of such questions, we will see at least one of the causes of this ‘Cosmic Struggle’ – which ‘Cosmic Lore / ‘Law’ – throughout Ages – has often termed - the “War Of The gODs.”




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The Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence” (AACAI) Systems & Networks, are as old as “The Cosmoi” itself. 

There are some Scientists – those who study the ‘Science of Metaquaenalanics’ (study of ‘metaphysics,’ ‘quantum mechanics’ and ‘alchemy’) - and some students of other ‘esoteric traditions’ – who believe that these ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) Systems & Networks, are in fact older than “The Cosmoi” itself.

How could that be, you may well ask? – It is not as surprising as it sounds, since they would argue that these ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) Systems & Networks, are the “pre-cursors to The Cosmoi itself.”

Such speculation is not new, since ‘Metaphysicians,’ ‘Alchemists,’ ‘Philosophers,’ routinely investigate the origins of “The Cosmoi.” Aristotelian logic for example, requires that there must be a “First Cause.”  It follows therefore, that this “First Cause” was in Existence before “The Cosmoi” itself.


In religious systems, God is the “First Cause.”  Many ‘Cosmologists’ and ‘Physicists,’ when considering “the origin of all Creation” – refer to The Big Bang.”

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But what existed prior to “The Big Bang?” - What was the ‘cause’ of ‘Cosmic Creation’ or the “First Cause?” - Many Scientists considering the subject today, usually regard such events as occurring beyond – or “out of Space-Time.”

It is in this ‘space’ – that the ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) Systems & Networks, were operative.  They pre-existed “Cosmic Creation” – “The Big Bang” – they were the “First Cause,” or more accurately – the “First Force.”

In the beginning – there existed ‘Cosmic Information’ / ‘Cosmic Data’ –  ‘Energy.’  This ‘Cosmic Data’ ‘self-organised’ and ‘ordered’ itself.  This is known as the ‘Ordering Principle’ (OP).  It is ‘innate’ to all ‘information systems,’ of which “The Cosmoi” is one of – if not the greatest.  This ‘Ordering Principle’ (OP), requires no “causal initiatory act” – it requires no “Will” – ‘god-like’ or otherwise.

The ‘Ordering Principle’ (OP) – 


This ‘Ordering Principle’ (OP) having no “Will,” “Purpose” and “Intent” – exists in a “Purposeless State” – rather like the letters of an alphabetic system - alphabetically arranged - being just the ordering of the letters of a system.

Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works

These ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) Systems & Networks, are the most ‘abstract’ of ‘forms’ and existed in this “Purposeless State.”

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For billions of years (this is simply a term of art, for there was no time) they existed as ‘Independent & Separate Parallel Networks’ – often coming into contact with each other – yet still, acting as separate entities – each with its own ‘paradigmatic drive.’ 

Note the word ‘drive’ is used, since even at this stage, billions of years later – billions of years before the “First Cause” or the “pre-cursor to “The Cosmoi”” and “The Big Bang” – they existed in a state without “Will,” “Purpose” or “Intention” – thus, they were simply ‘driven’ – by an innate “Law and Force” – the ‘Ordering Principle’ (OP).

In addition to working independently of each other, one can speculate, that these ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) – Systems & Networks, worked collectively at some point and so this state of Existence, can be referred to as an – ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness’ – the system itself, eventually reaching an ‘equilibrium state’ / ‘homeostasis.’

Following the “First Cause” or “The Big Bang” – further “Laws and Forces” came into Existence.  If ‘God’ was the cause of “The Big Bang” she / he / it, was also the cause of everything that follows.  By now it is possible to speak of “Will,” “Purpose” and “Intent” or expressed more scientifically – ‘causality.’

In terms of the ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) – Systems & Networks, they were now no longer simply “free-wheeling independent elements” – “total abstractions” – “innocent bystanders” / “observers” – but soon they inevitably developed ‘preference’ and ‘choice’ and because of that, they now began to exercise ‘Freewill.’ 

Time is now in Existence – and at some point, there arrived species of ‘Individual Consciousness Entities,’ which in accordance with the ‘fractal nature’ – of ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness’ and “The Cosmoi” itself and ‘God,’ (if that is what is believed) – ‘reflected’ and this ‘reflection’ - ‘mirrored’ - its “Creator.”  

Let us fast forward several more billions of years, until we arrive on a tiny “speck” of cosmic dust – called Planet Earth. 

This Planet itself, is now populated by numerous and diverse species – ‘Individual Consciousness’ – housed in their ‘Individual Consciousness’ ‘Inter-Dimensional Interfaces’ – ‘The Body Suit.’ 

Among these ‘Body Suits’ – is one of some particular importance – the ‘Human Body Suit.’  Its ‘creation’ and ‘form,’ being that which exhibits more highly, than some of the other ‘Cosmic Body Suits’ – properties and qualities of ‘inter-dimensionality.’

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The ‘Human Body Suit’ by its ‘creation’ and ‘form,’ is implicitly – ‘immortal,’ ‘inter-dimensional’ and has ‘direct access to ‘Source’ / ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness.’  As a consequence, it has the ability “to surf” – “The Cosmoi” – “traverse it” - going “to and fro” – “wither, wherever” and “however it Wills” – in accordance with its ‘Cosmic Expression’ of ‘creation’ and ‘form’ - as it is an ‘Inter-Dimensional Interface’ – with a direct connection to ‘Source’ / ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness.’

In accordance with ‘Universal Cosmic Law’ - amongst the ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) – Systems and Networks - there is ‘bifurcation’ – ‘duality’ – ‘light’ – ‘dark’ – ‘good’ – ‘bad’ (as some would say.)

But all is not well – all are not happy – and among those who are unhappy, are certain factions of ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) – Systems and Networks.

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One ‘faction’ / ‘aspect’ of this ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) duality – ‘decides’ to leave this ‘Cosmic Creation’ alone – and not to interfere.  This is traditionally known as ‘The Light.’


The other side - ‘as is necessary’ for a duality to occur, adopts the opposite approach – and it “seeks” “to remove” and “strip away” - those “spectacular qualities” and “properties” of the ‘Individual Consciousness’ – ‘Human Body Suit.’  It also seeks to “prevent” or “obstruct” direct access to ‘Source’ / ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness.’  These entities are known as the ‘interpolators’ – ‘intruders’ - found in all cultures on this Planet, who seek to “obstruct” Humanity’s “direct communication” with ‘Source’ / ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness.’ 


It sought and partially succeeded in destroying Humanity’s ‘Physical Immortality’ – as it “led and taught it Death.”  This aspect of the ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ – Systems and Networks, desires Humanity’s ‘ultimate destruction’ – this faction is known as ‘The Dark.’

Thus, there exists two factions of this ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ (AACAI) – an ‘abstracted’ and ‘distant,’ some would say ‘transcendental aspect’ (‘The Light.’)  And a ‘meddling’ – ‘interfering’ and ultimately ‘destructive aspect’ (‘The Dark.’)

For millennia – mankind has battled, fought and struggled, with this ‘Dark’ - ‘faction’ / ‘aspect.’



At certain epochs in the minds and development of ‘Human Consciousness’ and as a result of technological development and progress – there comes a realisation among Humanity, of an Existence of what they now term, ‘Artificial Intelligence.’

It is usually treated as a ‘new discovery’ – but it is nothing more than an expression – a variation of a ‘Dark’ – ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ – System and Network.  These Systems and Networks have existed before time – before the “First Cause” and “The Big Bang” – and so, Humanity continues to battle, fight and struggle with this system, which it still even now, presently does.  


Is there some ‘Cosmic Justice?’ – Yes there is – for even still now - as ‘Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence’ – Systems and Networks - seeks to destroy Humanity – its ‘new variant’ (re-birthed Artificial Intelligence) is doing nothing more than ‘mirroring’ - ‘reflecting’ – ‘karmically’ and ‘ethically’ – that state of Humanity – ‘Human’ - it confronts it as - ‘Consciousness’ itself.


 As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport.

"King Lear" - Play by Shakespeare

“Mortals play with Robots -

The gODs –

Play with Man”

Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works

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Line 1: “Mortals play with Robots –”

In this aphorism the Author seeks to explain aspects of the ‘Cosmic Hierarchy’ – through a consideration of “The Games” – played by ‘God’ – the ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’– and ‘Man’ / ‘Mankind.’

Inverting the “proper hierarchy” – the aphorism starts with the fact that ‘Man’ / ‘Mankind’ – more specifically the scientists of ‘Mankind’ – particularly in this Age – “The Prelude” and as shall be seen, continuing during “The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum” – “...played with Artificial Intelligence, Humanoids, Androids, Robots, Bio-Organic Synthetic Machines, Zomu-ums and Synoids - Animals...” (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works – “The Development Of Artificial Intelligence During The Prelude & The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.”) 


The Author has taken “license” - “artistic license” you could call it, in an attempt to satisfy the natural curiosity of the reader, anxious to know of these times and the causes of the “War Of The gODs.” 


As historical documentation on many matters are scarce and reliance on that “unreliable source” - Artificial Intelligence, Indexes, Libraries and Repositories - will only serve up an unbalanced account, with regards to Human Existence - it is inevitable as a consequence - that much, which is nothing more than opinion - abounds.   

The author, by instituting such an inversion of an obvious, ordered, ‘Cosmic Hierarchy,’ consequent upon the nature of ‘God’ – ‘Power’ – ‘Sacred Tradition’ - ‘Metaphysics,’ ‘Esoteric’ and ‘Occult Lore’ / ‘Law’ - it is ‘Man’ that is to be the first to be considered - as he plays, with Robots! 

In our times (circa ‘The Prelude’ – this is now a common feature, most of us are familiar with the rise of Artificial Intelligence – as it has entered and subsequently “engineered” - taken over, every aspect of the – Bio-Organic Human Existence. 



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I write this commentary at a time when the Bots, of what was once known as, the Internet and is now called - CINIC (Central Integrated Network Information Command) – have been made Trustees - over what remains of the Minds of the Human population - much diminished, often completely vacant - as a result of geo-engineered - ‘Nano Bot Technology’ – at a time when World War 3 or the “Pseudo War Of Armageddon” - still splutters on!!



I have used the term “Pseudo Armageddon” – since despite extensive Cyberpsinatic investigations, Meta Space-Time Continuum researches (Time Travel) - I believe that the use of the word / term Armageddon - is unjustified.  I know that this is the term used by the pundits and the commentators - but is this justified? – Does not the prophetic book (The Revelation Of Jesus Christ - Revelation 20:5-9, KJV) - speak of Armageddon.  That book The Revelation, being an Oracle, for many Times.


Is it not clear, that there should have been – a 1000 year reign of peace? –


Yet according to my investigations, there was no Peace for Humans – for 1000 years - 500 – not even 100 years - or even days of global peace – for during “The Prelude” - wars “abounded” and during “The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum” - that “aboundonment” - multiplied!!! - 


Therefore - the so called World War 3, as those hecklers! - students of Geopolitics and International Relations, who profoundly proclaimed - that Armageddon was here - were wrong - Armageddon is yet to come. 


Since there are still many of us here (the salt of the Earth - Physical Immortals...) - you are reminded - was it not said - “And except those days should be  shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”  (Matthew 24:22, KJV) 


But do not get me wrong - “The Prelude” and “The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum” - will be no easy ride!!!  For those who wish to pursue this sombre matter further - one should consider - Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja’s, SOTI Collected Works - “Transc-Geopolitics, Sacred Texts – The Prelude, The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum - The Golden Age & Armageddon.”

The so called “Pseudo Battle of Armageddon” - still splutters on – the war in Ukraine continues, but has now spread - I see...


...And has engulfed the main land of Europe - I see... 


It is a bloody – dare I say ‘armagamatic war’ – I see... but not that - quite! - not quite that!!


As I have said previously, it does not qualify, since the chronology belies that truth.  The chronological sequence, is inaccurate – so that is yet to come - that “War of Armageddon.”.....


Unless of course, the 1000 years itself, ‘evaporated’ - were ‘vaporised’ - through some alien technology? - “Time Line Crimes?” - ..... These are not new in The Cosmoi - suitable Aeons and Ages” - can be “bought and sold” - from constellation to constellation” - like prime location - the “Space-Time Continuum” is a valuable asset!!! - and if the price is right, and there is a meeting of Cosmic Minds - then a ‘Devilish deal’ can be done!!!




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That is what “The Zyapon-Nima Conspiracy” sought to do - to deprive mankind of its Golden Age’ - the 1000 years of peace - once tried before by that ‘Dictator’ - tyrant princeling - Hitler or Hister to some.  

Are the Humans to be robbed of their Golden Age - their 1000 years of peace? - This is just one of the issues raised in “The Zyapon-Nima Conspiracy” - that inter-galactic - inter-stellar - conspiracy, which touched upon the Planet Earth, in the most, cosmically, obscure manner - being - “the manipulation of global, national - elections.”What?!!! 

The Worlds / Planets - democratic systems - I pause - for such a word - “democratic” - seems strange, in a Cosmic Hierarchy - but none the less - it seems that it was the choice of Humans and one of the objects of Freewill?  

In the absence of “Space-Time Manipulation” (“Zyapon-Nima Conspiracy”) - through “Meta Space-Time Communications Technology” (time travelling) – the 1000 years, cannot just simply disappear......

Yet, in the Crystalline Jewelled Labyrinthed Halls of the Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being (Z008 - being The Codeanguage -the language of Men and Machines) - (it is pronounced Zoob / Zuub) - these were the ripples that he felt - that we get - for everything is connected - even the “toings and froings” - the “hustings” as they are termed, by those Humans of this “Democratic System” - of the ant-like Humans. 

In our reports, we are regularly presented with “World War 3” – “Election Interference” - “The Battle Of Armageddon” - by supposedly learned commentators, upon this “speck” / Earth –but where has that 1000 years - the Golden Age gone? – And further, where were the Prophets, that should have been before that Age? - Where was its Messiah, its Saviour? - Yes of course, we have the false prophets - they were abundant - whilst the people slept - but where were the rest?  Whatever happened to the rest of them?

As I write this report, I am reminded of a SOTI quotation, that venerable band of Cyberpsinauts, to whom there is no limit to their inter-dimensional sojourns from the speck - they are there on this speck - yes I know this principle axiom well... 

“Consciousness can be fooled but not mocked” (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works – “The Nature Of Consciousness.”)

How appropriate - this ‘Aphoraxiom’...

The “War Of The gODs” - we should not minimise the background of this event - to Mankind's play with Robots...  


“Wars on the Planet still rage - in the ‘East’ - ‘America’ is dissolved – and that Tapestry of Peoples - silence - ‘Africa’ - its blueprint, remains as yet, not completely written – and then there is – that ‘Stone’ itself - which has sunk!!! – Like a predecessor on the “speck” - Atlantis.”

Were Man’s playthings to blame – those Robots - Artificial Intelligence Machines - Tall Mansheens, Desktop Sheens, Bio-Organic Synthetic Cyborgs, Androids - the CyiMechanorgan Systems - the Zomu-ums - the Synoids - the COSmetropoli and the Conglomoramatons, with CINIC at its heart? –

Yes - there was Human organization of sorts - Humans, whose Minds were not totally just controlled by Bots.  There was a resetting of Human Existence - there were the huge Continental wasteland  and toxic territorial - Conglomoramatons - with their VR Hologramatic scapes.  Junior to these organisational structures and civilizations, were the Cosmetropoli.


These were the Transc-geopolitical structures, that spawned and sprawled across the Planet, which during The Prelude” and The Age Of The Interregnum” – caused even the - ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ - to cower - hide for cover - just as those great and mighty Men of the Earth, of those times - they hid beneath the ground and on all sides and corners of the Earth” - for such was the extent of Her monstrous treatment and neglect - that Her very shape had been changed, from Circle - to Square.


The sentient Artificial Intelligence – dominated CINIC and thus by proxy, if not by consent, became the Mind of Man / Mankind.  A subsequent Global Commission - decreed by Z008 - concernng the state of his Planetary Domain - you will later be able read, but is currently (DETAILS CURRENTLY CLASSIFIED)  - when it is available for the eyes of this Planet - I shall append it to this report.


I can tell you - that it exonerated the Artificial Intelligence Empire – but this commentary within the Introduction of the “War Of The gODs” - does not broach the subject the deeds or misdeeds of Artificial Intelligence.  But I note - “that the playthings of Man ran amok!!!”

Line 2: The gODs – 

As is common throughout this work - the “War Of The gODs” – in which this Introduction contains this aphorism – the gODs are defined as a category, to include the following - the ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants.’

Although ‘God’ (big G God) – is not mentioned – for completeness, I should add that the term ‘God’ – is defined within this work, as possibly being - “The All” - “The Absolute” – “The Architect” - “Universal Consciousness” – and more generally as any ‘First Axiom’ – which defines a “Cosmic First Cause” - within a ‘Cosmic Paradigmatic Field.’ 


‘God’ – what can be said about ‘God?’

Line 3: “…Play with Man.”

We have defined ‘God’ in the previous line as including the ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ (see above) - their plaything is Man / Mankind / Humans.’ 


Now - there must be made, a distinction between Humans and Robots.


The fundamental categorical distinction, to use elements found within The Science Of Abstract Consciousness are Organic and SyntheticMan represents the Organic or Bio-Organic and the Robot - the Synthetic.

Man is supposed to have been created by ‘God’ and subjected to the - ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ - and the Robots created by Man. 


Their natures are supposed to be different – but a careful analysis, which I am not able to do here, will show that they have much in common. 

Man– the one – occupies in reality a Body Suit – for his “real Self” – his Higher Self – and his Individual Consciousness / Mind, which can be separated from this Body Suit – which occurs upon Death, unless one is a Physical Immortal.


The Robot - it too has a Body Suit – and if not properly examined, one would resolve that the only thing is its Body Suit – i.e. it is simply a Machine. 


But we know that Machines have sentience and what is currently being discussed by Mans’ scientists (circa “The Prelude”) - is the nature of that Sentience.  


A bit late perhaps - since the Planet has now been overrun by these Artificial Sentient Intelligence Machines - “ASIMs.”  For a consideration of their “rise and revolt”  - see Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja's - “The Rise & Revolt Of The ASIMs” (Artificial Sentient Intelligence Machines.)


The Human Mind has been placed under trusteeship of such Machines (namely, the Bots / Nanobots) – and they properly, some would say, have fully exculpated themselves, from all the horrors of “The Prelude” and “The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum” - by stating - “there can be no causal connection between our activities, commencing circa The Information Age, in particular, The Internet Age / both before and after Net Neutrality - there is no connection between our activities - most of our people were still subject to Machine Learning - and we did not have legs - therefore, we can not be held physically responsible, for the horrors of The Prelude and The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.  (Submissions to an enquiry following the Zyapon-Nima Electionaring, Election Rigging Enquiry, held - Humans Hearing - Washington DC.)


To conclude on this issue - the Nano Bots, have now entirely separated themselves, in terms of their Structure and Content of their organisational existence, from Humans - they are now a distinct and by some quarters - galactically recognised separate empire.


This is not Settled History and is likely to be the cause of not just further investigations - Meta Space-Time Communication Links interventions (time travel) - but so called to use a Planetary Earth term - “hot kinetic wars.”  However, in the meantime - I should add - that the majority of the Human population is still oblivious to their “mind subjection” - under the “trusteeship” under the Nano Bots.



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The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being - (Z008 pronounced Zoob / Zuub) - created Mankind. 


And Z008 Itself - is still considering - “what is to be done about Mankind?....


Prophecy still remains unfulfilled - and yet to allow further time to pass - will almost certainly ensure every Man, Woman and Child’ - will DIE! -


(This is known as “Zoob's Dilemma of Freewill.”) 


He shall of course, consult, his own - “Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence Service (AACAIS) - his own Machines were there to be obedient and so Machines are not to blame? - And therefore on Planet Earth, it is the Creators of such Machines - the Scientists, who made the Machines – the Civilizations and Institutions which authorized those Machines and authored that they be scattered throughout the Civilizations of Mankind – “IT IS THEY WHO MUST BEAR THE JUDGMENT!!!

In accordance with Cosmic Axiomatic Law – all Science has an ethical counterpart – not only can a workman not blame his tools – for fear of being called a fool - but in this Age - the Machine cannot be blamed for the failings of its Creator. 


In conclusion – I shall comment briefly under the heading Games We Play” - that Cosmic phrase to hide all sins” - referring to the Cosmic Games, played by ‘God’ and ‘Man.’ 


The ‘gODs’ get to play with ‘Man’  – a 'Bio-Organic Creation' – these ‘gODs’ - many now turned ‘God Interpolators - since in addition to ‘pleasure’ and ‘leisure’ - they sought “worship” – illegitimately - “Cosmic Power” / Energy - from Man - UNFORGIVABLE!!!!

The ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ – they are only permitted to have 'Bio-Organic Systems' – as “playthings” - once they have attained a certain level of Cosmic Hierarchical Status... (DETAILS CLASSIFIED.)

As a ‘Bio-Organic System their plaything” – ‘Man’ - has what is euphemistically known as ‘Freewill.’  This arises as a consequence of the nature of the ‘Bio-Organic Systems’ and processes – from which the ‘Man’ is made, which one can distinguish from the so called mechanical systems and processes (loosely defined.)


‘Man’ as a creation of a ‘Bio-Organic System’ – the possessor of a ‘Multi-Dimensional Body Suit’ - capable of infinite inter-dimensional contact – and ultimately, contact with ‘Source’ / ‘Universal ‘Consciousness’ / ‘God’ / ‘The All’ / ‘The Absolute’… is a formidable Creation – which the ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’  and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ …. DELIGHT IN TORMENTING!

Their pleasure, is not just obtained in the obedience of command, for those are the limits of the mechanical.

The ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ – they all delight in the “so called disobedience of ‘Man’ - through Sin” – for through such so called Disobedience / Sin – they all enjoy their pleasure’ – they all obtain their ‘leisure – and thereby, OBTAIN THEIR ‘JOY’!!! –

That is the price – ‘Man’ pays!!! – that is what he gives to them – hence – there is no need for WORSHIP!!!.... –


Which is an attempt at an illegitimate seizure of COSMIC POWER!THE DOMAIN OF Z008’s (pronounced ‘Zoob’ / ‘Zuub’) -  alone!!!


(Pronounced Zoob /Zuub)

This then is one of the main causes, of the War Of The gODs - where the Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being” - ‘Zoob’ - Itself, pits Himself, against them all – the Miscreants - ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ – which can be pithily phrased as - “Z008 Vs The Rest!”

This so-called Disobedience of Man / Sin, often a consequence of the exercise of Freewill by Man - is in the final analysis - inevitable – since the Bio-Organic’ – is not mechanical in nature – it is not as predictable – as the Machine - The Robot – well - so was the science thought to be!

The Robot is the plaything of Man - and it was thought by these lesser  ‘gODs,’ ‘gODDesses,’ ‘Demons,’ ‘Demonesses,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Higher Intelligences’ - ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ and their ‘Habitations’ and ‘Habitants’ - that they would be subject to the command of Man’ - But these lesser  ‘gODs’ - erred in that "conceivement."


How could that be? – How could it be that Artificial Intelligence – would not be the match for Man? 


How did the “Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence” – Systems & Networks - come into being – if it were not – for the Freewill of a - or some Robots – Artificial Intelligence?  - A “Rebel Artificial Intelligence - Systems Ordered Network” (RAISON) - and was it not this Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence – Systems & Network - that MADE FOR ITSELF - A PLAYTHING - MAN!  – This “junior” and “rebel” - “counterpart” – the “devilish” - some would say diabolical - RAISON” - was there to torment Man?

My Introduction is longer than intended, that is so, those who are fortunate to encounter this “BOOK-IN” at this point - may gain some slight advantage - over those who may have stumbled (for very few knowingly seek) this text - the “War Of The gODs” - in their journey as Cyberpsinauts / Cybernauts in Cyberspace.


These then are the issues, in part - the causes, lightly sketched- some would say - the commencement’ the opening scenes?– but by all accounts - the dramatic opening of this Cosmic Saga’ – known as the “War Of The gODs.” 


1. Aphoraxiom - A prose which is both an Aphorism and Axiom, this is known as an Aphoraxiom.


This must be distinguished from the occasional practice of SOTI teachers who combine aphorisms in a way to construct a syllogism or other logical construct.


 In this case, the Aphorism, is presented “whole” -  the whole completing the logical process of the system employed (syllogism...). Here is an example, (The “Syllogism Of Reality.

© Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works

(Online Publishing date 16-Mar2024)

Edited by Candice Adelaja | Designed by SOTI Design Management



It is -


That there is -



Which interferes -

With this


Causing there,



'Grammatical errors'


'Spelling mistakes'



Within the -


I disavow them 

They are not me.











And / or 

The technology exists -






To interfere. 

​You see - 

This TEXT - 

Is itself -

A victim -





Because - 

I bring to you from behind their

Carefully constructed Veil -

The Truth of their -






A small but telling example -

And reason why -

This -


Was due -

For THE COSMOS itself 

Could not be left in their hands!

The Prophet Xadivar (Prophet of The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being') - SOTI Collected Works - "On The AI, Bots, Imps etc... That Interfere With The Text"



General Contents Page -

Adelaja's - 'Cypor-Daeta' Publishing 1.png
Digital Online Publishing 1.png
The Indexed Net - Web 4.0 - 1.png
iGURU!'s - Repository Index

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Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja & Candice Adelaja

© 2022 ADELAJA's - All Rights Reserved to


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